Office Cleaning Service / Yearly Contract

We provide high standard and quality cleaning service with Japanese equipment, and by well-trained staffs for office as well. Our office cleaning is professional work of Japanese standard, also absolutely difference with Bangladeshi local style. High grade cleaning service supports to support your business.
Kinds of Office Cleaning Service
General Cleaning
General cleaning (Daily cleaning) is the service to support keeping your office to be good condition by floor cleaning, toilet cleaning, round up rubbish, etc. with disinfection as well.
(* It can not remove heavy dirt as spot, stain, oil dirt, etc. by General Cleaning)

Regular Cleaning
Do you have Deep Cleaning regularly? Regular deep cleaning is the service to improve your office asset. Even if you clean up office every day, however some heavy dirt which can’t be removed by general cleaning is piling day by day. In the world standard, Regularly Deep Cleaning is necessary for proper office cleaning. The frequency in a year of deep cleaning depends on customer’s situation, even though we normally provide it in every 3 months.

General Cleaning Service (Daily Cleaning)

Floor mop up
- We remove dust and dirt on the floor completely with Japanese equipment everyday.

Toilet cleaning
- The water in Bangladesh has much calcareous. So daily toilet cleaning is necessary to keep commode and basin clean. We clean up Commode and Basin properly by hand.

Round up rubbish
- We round up rubbish everyday and care to protect customer information. Because rubbish has many information of your business.

Sink and Water cock cleaning
- Daily sink cleaning is also necessary to keep clean same as toilet.

Furniture wipe up
- We wipe up twice with wet and dry towel everyday to remove dust and dirt on furniture in your office.

Carpet vacuume
- We vacuum carpet floor after your closing time 2 or 3 days in a week basically.

Others as Option
- We can have any other cleanings you want everyday. You can arrange your own cleaning plan.
What’s different with local service? ~JAPATECH’s Cleaning Method~
- In the case of floor cleaning

Setp 1
Micro Fiber Sheet
Setp 2
- Brooming
Setp 3
- Micro Fiber Wet Moping
- Micro Fiber Dry Moping
We have 4 steps for even floor cleaning with high quality equipments. Not only floor cleaning, JAPATECH cleans up whole of your office carefully with our own method by 2 cleaner. We always try to satisfy customer.
PRICE LIST (Monthly Cost) ~Sample~
- Cleaning Staff: 2 person, Service day of the week: 5 days Sun-Thu.
Floor sft
1500-2000 sft
To 3000
To 4000
To 5000
Price (monthly cost)
12,000 tk
15,000 tk
18,000 tk
21,000 tk
Working hour / day
2.0 hours
2.5 hours
3.0 hours
3.5 hours
*1 These monthly service charges DOES NOT include all of charges as VAT (10%) and Transportation in this condition.
*2 Transportation charge will be charged per day as go and return fare between Baridhara DOHS and your place by Rickshaw.
*3 General cleaning service is basically provided by 2 of lady cleaning staff.
* Our cleaning staff (Lady staff only) come to your office at fixed day of the week & time.
* You can arrange the frequency of working day in a week, and service contents depend on your convenience.
* General office cleaning service is basically provided by 2 of lady cleaning staff.
* We provide all of cleaning tools & detergents. You don’t need to ready that.
* If you want other service besides basic service contents as the above, we can provide option service as possible. Please feel free to contact us.
* Service term & hour
Sunday - Thursday
9:00 – 17:00
SERVICE AREA of General Cleaning Service
- Baridhara
- Baridhara DOHS
- Gulshan
- Banani
- Banani DOHS
- Uttara
- Mohakhali
- Mohakhali DOHS
- Niketan
- Tejgaon
Regular Cleaning Service (Deep Cleaning)
Choose your favor services from the followings. You can customize your own regular cleaning service.
Service Area of this service
Service Area of this service
Dhaka city only
Contact us

- please contact us by phone, email or web site
Site check / Quotation

- our staff visits to your place, and checks the condition of site. then we propose quotation
Service operation

- Our staff in charge visit to your place on the date and time when you made a reservation

- please pay all amount of payment within 10 days after service done.